Saturday, March 31, 2007
Any Questions - BBC Radio 4
"'s Southampton local council that has come forward on a cross party basis - Liberal, Conservative and Labour - jointly supporting a Southampton casino, along with 16 other cities around the country. And it seems to me that's right. And the referendum that our questioner referred to is local election day which is only a month away and that is a chance - I mean I suppose it's difficult if all the parties are in favour of the casino it's a bit difficult to vote against it - to argue against myself - but I think the local ..."
Jonathan Dimbleby asked "How are you going to get out of that one?"
He responded with an attempt at verbal conjuring, much rambling - and not really getting out of it:
"Well I think that that - I am a believer in local government, I think we have too much power in Westminster, I think the job of Westminster is to set the framework and ensure that we don't have underground gambling, that we have properly regulated gambling but then it's up to cities to make a proposal. And that's what - actually it was 27 cities, 10 were weeded out, that left those that remained. And I think this should be a local commitment. And certainly there should be no question of the government sitting with a great big map of the UK and saying yes we should have a casino here, here and here, putting pins in but when local government comes forward and says this is an important part of our social, economic, etc., cultural vision of our city that's their job and if people don't like it they should vote them out"
Note the final phrase - we're back to where we started!
When asked if should throw his hat in to challenge Gordon Brown, Miliband assured everybody that he was "neither a runner nor rider" in this. David Dimbledy took him task and asked if he is going to stand - the well oiled words of "neither runner nor rider" came out again.
He is not a very good at verbal conjuring is he?.
I could not help feeling that Oliver Letwin, who sounded rather passive throughout, just let Miliband waffle on. He rarely made a statement to challenge anything Miliband said. Was Letwin lost in this verbosity? Was he letting Miliband dig his own hole? Was he siding with Miliband? I know Letwin, figure of fun though he is, is not adverse to the cut and thrust of politics.
Labels: David Miliband, Gordon Brown, Oliver Letwin, politics, verbal
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Who are the biggest State scroungers?
It caused me to question who are the biggest State Scroungers - big corporations or the disabled and the unemployed. Funny that a banker, David Freud, is pointing the finger here!
Now check this out, on his own admission when working for the Channel Tunnel he commented in hindsight
""We were predicting that on Eurostar there would be 21 million passengers (annually)," admits David Freud of Warburg, the investment house which sold Eurotunnel shares to the public.
The actual figure was less than a third of that.
"So the traffic forecasts were not just out by a little bit. They were completely potty; they were nowhere."
Source BBC
This man has reviewed welfare reform insisting that private interests kick the unemployed and disbled back to work. Oh well, there is a saying, if you point your finger at the funeral it will drop off
Labels: corporate, Economics, money, politics, scroungers, taxpayers
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Slavery - God's Conflict of Interests
"Hey God, can you tell those black folks that we screwed up big time and we are very very sorry - and if they accept the apology, will you forgive us"?
God replies "OK Archbishop, I'll go over to them black folks and tell them you are very very sorry"
God tells the black people "I've heard it on good white religious authority that they are very very sorry - will you forgive them?"
You can imagine the response - no face to face apology - even the Reverend Ian Paisley and Gerry Adams are meeting face-to-face to reconcile the 30 years of troubles in Northern Ireland. They do not need a religious ceremony to do this.
I guess that this black man was attempting to make a similar point.
Blair was there, he appeared to be cringing in a choir stall.
Labels: absolution, archbishop, atonement, politics, Religion, slavery
Monday, March 26, 2007
The Politics of Now
Technorati Profile
Labels: David Cameron, hoorah henries, hoorah henry, politics
David Miliband - Princess Di All Over Again/
The press and media were out in force to find him yesterday. It was like Princess Diana all over again. He was sporting an umbrella, relishing in the adulation, refused to answer questions and denying that he would make a challenge to Gordon Brown.
I am seriously puzzled about this, why the press interest in someone so painfully boring? He's no Michael Portillo nor even a Geoffrey Howe - just a politician who makes politics really really boring!
Labels: boring, David Miliband, Gordon Brown, hype, media, Peter Mandelson, politics, press, Princess Diana
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Ray Manzarek and Robbie Krieger on the Radio
Now that's what I call a radio programme.
Labels: Radio
Blair Favours Miliband as his Successor?
Labels: Blair, David Miliband, politics, twelve year old
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Books and Prisoners
The sad thing is that he has spent a great deal of his life in prison, he struck me as a man with so much potential - it caused me to ask what went wrong? In addition to this, it was a great advertisement to get me reading books again.
Further Articles by the same author are linked below
So This is Christmas (The Observer - Sunday 19th December 2004)
Slums in the Sky - The Spectator 13 January 2007
Labels: Society
Friday, March 23, 2007
Be Kind to the Snail
Labels: Food
Any Bank You Like
I want to ask three questions
1) Where is choice - this notion that New Labour and the Tories Babble on about.
2) Where is the Free Market
3) Where are Human Rights - not the kind that are referred by the "politically correct" brigade* but the Human Rights where one is able to do what one wants to do without breaking the law, offending, hurting, getting in one's face etc.
* The Politically Correct Brigade are those bozos who hear things they may not like and declare them as "Politically Correct" because they are unable to articulate otherwise.
Labels: banking, Economics, finance, free market
Any Beer You Like...
I shan't be buying Greene King again, I used to like it, neither shall I buy Ruddles.
It seems that this company muscle out the smaller brewers - flogs pubs to greedy property developers who want to turn the pub into luxury apartment.
The linked article points to what happened in Lewes, I used to go for walks around the surrounding countryside and nip into the Lewes Arms for a pint or two of Harveys. Nice beer and a very nice friendly pub too. I am quite saddened by this news.
So this is the wonder of the free market. Choice - "you can have any beer you like, so long as it ours"
This passage in the article summarises my sentiments entirely
But this dispute is not just about beer. Across Britain the traditional "community" local is under threat as never before. According to the Campaign for Real Ale (Camra), 56 pubs close in Britain every month, most of them urban locals. Camra's head of research, Iain Loe, says: "The bricks and mortar are often worth more, in the short term, for conversion to flats than the place is as a going concern, even though it may have been making money for 200 years and would continue to do so. Then people move into the new flats and find there's no community, no focus, which the local would have provided."
Labels: Economics
Lifestyle Fascism - The Victims Fight Back
Labels: crap, Lifestyle, modern, Television, trash
Thursday, March 22, 2007
New Labour Merchandise
In addition to all this, the site has a merchandise shop, where you can buy New Labour trinkets, bawbels and beads. I was quite surprised to note that they had Tony Benn's books on sale along with "The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist".
I really find this quite annoying, as I have said in an earlier post, Blair had jettisoned any pretence to socialism that the Labour Party had, he considered it an election liability. So why carry on with the pretence.
Labels: dumbing down, New Labour, politics
New Labour plunders Old Labour's History
"Who says the Labour party has a history of animosity towards the countryside?
"I have been sent a quotation from chapter three of Aneurin Bevan's In Place of Fear, no less: 'Where the countryside is neglected it always takes its revenge.
Well that was Old Labour. Come on, get real - Labour does not exist any more.
Anyway, I checked out the said blog, Mr Miliband wanted to put the record straight with regard to the cost of it. The net cost of maintaining the blog costs only £300 a month from a dedicated member of his staff. Looking at the content, the odd short entry here and there, this is tremendously good value because New Labour has very little to say.
Labels: David Miliband, New Labour, politics
Magenta Divine on Radio Ads
Labels: commercials, LBC, Radio
Monday, March 19, 2007
Blair on the Slippery Slope
I would like you to share in my suffering, this clip will make you cringe - what did I say - roll on Celebrity Big Brother!
Worst thing is that he can't bloody act.
and he ain't bothered...
As for David Cameron, he recorded the following in his blog:
Can't imagine Gordon Brown doing something like this!
Goes to show what David Cameron meant about TB having a good sense of humour. Always nice to see in politics!
Yes, we are in the region of political dumb-down, expect more of this shit if Cameron gets elected.
Labels: dumbing down, New Labour, politics, Television
Sunday, March 18, 2007
BBC 4's Arena on the Tube
Labels: BBC, culture, dumbing down, presenters, Television, twelve year old
Any Questions - BBC Radio 4
Labels: Any Questions, BBC, New Labour, Radio
Thursday, March 15, 2007
"If you want democracy, you have to pay for it"
Time was Labour activists used to knock on my door, not any more - who the fuck in their right mind would go around canvassing as a New Labour Activist - it's a bit like saying "Good morning, I have tuberculosis, do you mind if I come in and infect your home". No, New Labour now have to use financial means to canvas. The Conservatives are just as bad, never had them canvassing on my door.
So what does this all mean, my theory is that the mainstream political parties will outsource their campaigning to private companies, who will recruit paid activists who will be trained to knock on your door, tolerate the usual "fuck off" and hard sell you party line - short of throwing the contents of your dustbin on them, you won't be able to get rid of the buggers. My guess is that these paid activist will not be dissimilar, if not the same, to the type of individual in a dayglo tabard who accosts you in the street asking for direct debit donations to various charities - a political form of chugger.
If these bozos want to bestow their crappy version of democracy on us, then they will have to get off their arse and work for it...bloody state scroungers!
Labels: BBC, Blair, Britain, democracy, politics, Television
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Blair's Britain on BBC 4
Item on managers - "epidemic of managers" - some bald headed berk on a six mile work (six mile work) "this really takes you out the comfort zone..." oh fuck, great platitude, oh fuck off you bald headed git. A manager is just simply a person who is fluent is buzz-word speak - I don't want words, I want action. Time was a manager got things done, nowadays it is just simply to obstruct.
Labels: politics
Trident, Money Well Spent
So why the fuck do we feel the need to possibly bomb out the Russians and the Chinese. The Russians are not a bad lot, they flog us cheap gas; the Chinese, likewise, the sell us lovely electrical goods. Our electricity bills would rocket if the Russians turn off the gas. As for the Chinese, we would be deprived of lovely electrical goods so that we will be soon be watching only one tv channel in monochrome on 405 lines were we to vex the Chinese enough.
Do you know something, we spend decades convincing the Chinese and Russians that Capitalism ain't such a bad thing; but don't you think that they are getting a little too cheeky of late? So, I guess the New Labour is right in thinking that if they got very cheeky, then we should start rattling our rockets at them.
Update: The Tories and New Labour voted together to agree to the upgrade - same policies - same parties.
Labels: Blair, Conservative, New Labour, politics, Tories, trident
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The Tyranny of Modern Parents
I really hate "child friendly" places, nice restaurants and other places have become to the tyranny of not so much the children but their parents - like the dangerous dog it is not dog, it is the owner.
Labels: Lifestyle
Monday, March 12, 2007
New Labour and the Great Sell Off
One of the most salient symptoms of this administration has been the closure of hospitals, schools and police stations and flogging off the property to greedy property developers. Greenwich District Hospital was closed and the Queen Mary Military Hospital lost its military specialism to become the local hospital. The result has been many service personnel have lost the right to specialist treatment - they have to make do with NHS provision. Military medicine is such a specialised area of treatment that a civilian friend of mine had to be admitted to a military hospital because he had burns so severe that a General Hospital was unable to deal with them. In fact military medicine has informed general medicine throughout the years - Florence Nightingale and nursing comes to mind in this instance. Sadly, we seem to have lost the medical arm of the armed forces.
If my memory serves me right, I can recall Yossarian looking in the first aid box bandages etc, only to find a receipt that he is now a happy shareholder of the proceeds of the sale of the contents of the said box.
New Labour has become quite adept at doing things like that.
Labels: British Politics, Catch 22, Joseph Heller, Milo Minderbender, PFI
Fun on the Buses...again
Labels: Grumble
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
British Democracy
Labels: politics
The War Against Scroungers
The target groups are the single mothers and the disabled. The former are seen as scroungers who have been given licence to draw benefit until all their kids reach the age of sixteen. Whereas the disabled are seen by the Government as not really disabled at all - it's pandering to this:
(Imaginary quote)
The Sun Says
* that bloke with a white stick is not really blind at all, he's scrounging a free telly licence
* that lady in the wheelchair is only sponging a disabled parking permit
* this loony is only pretending he's mad so he can annoy people in the high street and claim millions in state benefits for his pleasure.
Yep, this is part of the press' rogues' gallery to which government policy is shaped.
The Guardian continues that the campaign will involve using the private sector to get people back to work. Private business will get these scrounging buggers back to work. Yet these private business that are paid taxpayers' for lousy services are the biggest spongers of them all.
Labels: politics
I have toothache
Getting older does not mean your teeth fall out; trust me they don't, they break, leaving stumps - then there comes a time when the stumps have to come out and it's not a pleasant experience.
Labels: Grumble
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Parties on Number 10
On page 14, there is a photograph of Blair taking during his Oxford Years, he is shown wearing a straw boater and blazer. In this photo, you will also see him doing a wanking gesture, is this what he really thinks of those who partake in democracy?
Labels: politics
Saturday, March 03, 2007
BBC2 Culture Show
I shall not be tuning into this shiiiit again.
Labels: Television