Friday, March 06, 2009



The New Model Middle Class are really pissing me off. They are remarkable by their lack of consideration for anyone.

I went to the National Film Theatre tonight to collect some programmes. The place was full of suits, boozing away and getting pissed - they were clearly not going to see a film. Then there was this twelve year old shithead, who occupied nine cubic metres of space around the space where the leaflets were stored. He had a Brompton Bike, two metres behind (I should have nicked it) along with bags of this of that, he had a lap top plugged into the wall. He was logged into one of those fucking networking sites, why he could not be arsed to visit them defeats me. Anyway, I reached over and collected the leaflets and was confronted with a really Hitlerian look, I had invaded this little shit's lebensraum. I felt like telling him "oh fuck off, you little're not here to watch a film"

Then as I was making an exit for the door, one of the boozing suits produced this pink monster from inside his suit - it was a fucking baby! The group started with which he was boozing started to coo like those pigeons one hears from the crevices of filthy buildings. I felt like screaming "fuck off"

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