Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Economic Rumblings
Is this the South Sea Bubble revisited. When this fucking blows, it will be an economic tsunami. Already the cracks are starting to appear. City gents are already starting to throw themselves out of buildings.
Is this the South Sea Bubble revisited. When this fucking blows, it will be an economic tsunami. Already the cracks are starting to appear. City gents are already starting to throw themselves out of buildings.
Labels: Economics, Estate Agents, Greedy Property Developers
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Property Developers Pocket New Labour Politicos
Peter Hain gets £5000 from Terry Johnsey "millionaire property developer"
Alan Johnson gets £2500 from DMQA Holdings and another £2500 from another property developer, The Wykeland Group.
Hilary Benn got £10000 from REITS Asset Management.
Nest we have the Property Developers' Social Security Cheque Real Estate Investment Trusts.
So now you know
Labels: Alan Johnson, Greedy Property Developers, Hilary Benn, New Labour, Peter hain
Monday, May 28, 2007
Channel 4 - Bread and (I cant believe...) Butter TV
Now it has embarked on Car Crash TV, not with drunk drivers, joy riders or can't be arsed drivers on the motorway. Oh no, they want to show car crash tv with style and panache. It is going to show the demise of Princess Diana.
It has become oh so serious in defending the broadcast - it wants to debunk the conspiracy theories around her death by showing graphic but censored (of her face) images. How the fuck it is going to debunk conspiracy theories by showing graphic censored imagery?
Channel 4 has made us racially aware by Big Brother and has assisted and helped people with gambling on its tv quiz shows. It's done a fantastic public by delivering some fantastic and ground-breaking television. I am sure once the ground has been broken we may look forward to photos Jim Morrison (of The Doors) lying dead in his Paris Hotel bath; Hendrix in a pool of his own vomit and Marilyn Monroe lying dead on her bed.
Channel 4 knows it market - those people who cause hold-ups on a motorway who want to look at the road pizzas in the adjacent carriageway.
Labels: Channel 4, Television
Saturday, May 26, 2007
More news about greedy property developers
Labels: capitalism, property developers;, Property Development
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Any Questions - BBC Radio 4
Another notable aspect of the programme was twelve year old Sayeeda Warsi, Vice Chair of the Tories, she was notable for arriving late. She was also notable for her screeching, squawking and constant interruptions. Michael Meacher was attempting explain a few points and he was met with her constant hectoring and screaming, she did not need a megaphone, her loud mouth clearly fulfilled this function. Yep, this is what really belies the cuddly Tory image.
Labels: Any Questions, BBC, Conservative, New Labour, Radio 4
Friday, May 18, 2007
Room at the Top - re The Current Politics
This could easily be applied to Blairism and the Primrose Hill Gang a la Miliband and James Purnell and Andy Burnham, likewise David Cameron and George (aka Gideon) Osborne of the Tories - the new of Designer Politicians.
"Whatever the suggestions were, Heylake would listen to them. He was a great improvement on the efficient zombie. Even now, I don't like to remember the efficient zombie. He had a large head with short-oiled hair and an absolutely immobile face. It was not even dignified or stony, it was dead, he seemed to take out the oxygen out of the air around him"
Check this out on charm - can easily be applied to politicians re: the above.
"The possession of charm wasn't in itself a guarentee of success but it seems to follow our bits like a pilot fish"
Labels: Blair, British Politics, David Cameron, literature, New Labour, Tories
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Jonathan Meades Abroad
In one scene, he goes into a luxury apartment and describes that such apartment blocks are "Housing Market renewal pathfinders" and that they provide "A lifestyle solution". The modern luxury apartment " a product of design culture; it draws bar culture, restaurant culture, retail culture, gallery culture, museum culture, culture culture" This voiceover is made over a scene where he goes around the luxury apartment feigning horror at all the design trinkets and tut which litter the flat. It's not just design culture, it's M & S design culture.
Labels: Architecture, BBC, culture, Design, Lifestyle, Property Development, Regeneration, Television
Monday, May 14, 2007
Git in a Ferrari
Labels: cars, Lifestyle, narcissism
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Tate Modern, Where Modern Art becomes Cheese
There was a time when you could go to places for grown-ups, you found only grown-ups and you felt at home, away from the Hell that is Bratdom and its consequent consort of parentdom; there is an insistence in this country to turn every single place and adult sanctuary over to the tyranny of Family Friendly and you know what that means - intolerable brats with their intolerable parents. Cheese Pleeze.
Labels: art, art market, cheesy, dumbing down, family friendly, Lifestyle, museums, Parents
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Blair - 'I Quit'
The outgoing Prime Minister reviewed his tenure - declared all the successes - improvements in health and education along with reductions in crime. This has not really been the case, but I guess that the man wants to give himself some credit. Iraq - he said was a part of the ongoing war against terrorism. Until US / UK invasion of Iraq there was no terrorism in Iraq - but I guess that has become a rod that Blair and Bush have made for all our backs - they don't have to worry - they will not have to be around for much longer to clear up the mess.
There were a number of things that Blair precluded from his speech - why did he not mention the outstanding success of the Public Finance Initiative and why did he not mention the success of the property market making housing affordable for everyone.
Labels: Blair, PFI, privatisation, Property Developers, resignation speech
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
A Fully Booked-up Life
Labels: Lifestyle, Manners, mobile phones
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Magazines - The Class Divide
Then we come to the magazines aimed at the working class - the true stories - grainy and out of focus home produced photos - the highly graphic stories were invariably tragic - wife beaters nearly beating women to death with pokers and pick axe handles; wives poisoning their husband; children being physically and sexually abused - these mags were selling stories of the front line of working class tragedy. None of the middle class angst that one finds in middle-class childless couples. These true-life stories made rather painful reading. Has the working class really become this pit of depravity!
Then we have the Celebrity Mags, obviously directed towards the working class - celebs in expensive homes - it is as if they are not making any suggestion of aspiration, more like to say "look at what we have got, you pathetic plebs"
Whoever says that we live in a classless society needs to have his / her head testing.
Labels: Class, Lifestyle, media
The Age of the New Model Parent
Labels: Lifestyle, middle class, Parenting, Parents
Beer Can Man - Second Helping
Beer Can Man, if you are not familiar, is a part of an urban tribe that makes public displays of it boozing. Beer Can Men usually hang around in groups in parkland and on street corners. Although such groups may appear intimidating, I have never really been harrassed by them. I cannot afford to live in Switzerland nor Bromley where such public displays of human dysfunction are not tolerated. Beer Can Men, however, do make the place look untidy - they are like misplaced litter - I am caused to wonder why they cannot drink at home, where they can listen to sounds or watch the telly. Trust me, many of these people have homes to which they can go.
Live and let live is my motto - they are part of the rich canvas that is the city. OK cool.
Most beer can men will take care of their personal hygiene, but there are some who stink out the place. I was in the newsagents the other day and there were two of them, both of them had the unmistakable of Pissoir pour l'homme. They looked dirty and crusty, they were pissed.
I was in the supermarket today, a Beer Can Man, aged around 40, approached a friend whom he had not seen in ages. Although this Beer Can Man was around two and a half metres away, there was a strong smell of Pissoir pour l'homme. Now the thing that perplexed me the most was that he was with a woman ten years his junior, she looked quite clean. I wondered why she was hanging with this smelly individual, then it occurred to me; it's not so much that love but alcohol conquers all - this couple was rejuvenating its supplies.
Labels: alcoholism, Bromley, drunks, dysfunction, piss, pissed, stink, Switzerland
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Steve Bell Summarises 10 Years of Blair
Here we have a superb summary from Steve of the Blair years.

Dp you think Blair will make a quiet departure?
Labels: Blair, British Politics, Cartoons, Steve Bell
Tessa Jowell suggests a Blogger's Code
She starts her screed by stating
"The internet is a vigorous and now invaluable part of the public realm, or what I prefer to call "ourspace""
ourspaceSounds like a fairly loaded neologism generated by one of her spin doctors. I think it means that if one were to write things that are critical of the Government, one is abusing the privaleges of ourspace.
Can we really take this Minister for things Other Than Culture seriously?
Labels: blogging, politics, tessa jowell