Sunday, January 06, 2008


Table Manners

I can be quite liberal when it comes to table manners. Greg Proops asked who, in private, scoops ice cream into a bowl?. I don't consider myself a prude when it comes to sex; but when the table and sex come together you have a choice - either you eat from it or you shag on it, of course some people use food as a sex aid. That's their business.

When I go into a restaurant, however, I expect a fair degree of decorum from my fellow diners - of course, this respect is reciprocated. This was not the case when I went into a Chinese Restaurant in Central London today. There was a couple in their late teens but fitted the twelve year old bill. The male of the couple was sporting a baseball cap under its peak was hanging that rather irritating lopsided fringe favoured by twelve year male old pop stars. The female was a blonde bimbo.

They pawed at each other like two dogs on heat, they exchanged bodily fluids by long wet kisses; all of this done in the middle of a restaurant where people were trying toeat. This activity was really getting on my nerves. Worse was yet to come, the lopsided fringe male had his meal to brought to him; he stopped eating mid-way, pawed at his girlfriend and wet-kissed. Bloody hell, I did not need to witness a mating while eating.

It would be a really good idea for the government to introduce legislation stopping people under the age of 25 entering restaurants unless they are accompanied by a forty year old.

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