Thursday, September 06, 2007


Where my TV licence fee is going

A few months ago, some man representing the TV Licensing Authority came to my door. He said that if I had a television, I needed a tv licence to watch it. I admitted to having a television and he gave me the chance of buying the television which I duly did - I got a card where I go to the newsagent and pay £5.50 in instalments each week. Ever since I have started to pay for the television, I have made an important discovery - I am paying for crap. I am paying for twelve year olds who present television programmes but do not have enough intelligence to dig holes and fill them again. Let's look at what I am paying for:

BBC1 - shit - complete shit - unwatchable - despite its pedigree of being the first tv channel in this country - it cannot even come up to the poor standards of Channel 5. As for its news coverage - Mickey Mouse and Goofy may as well be presenting the news.

BBC2 - Promising start and evolution then turned to the contents of a blocked toilet in order to ape Channel 4's trashy output.

BBC3 - Who the fuck watches this channel. I don't think twelve year olds watch this.

BBC4 - Excellent, Excellent, Excellent - worth every penny of my licence fee.

Radio 1 - well the yoof listen to it.

Radio 2 - good programmes, I really like Johnny Walker.

Radio 3 - great programmes, good classical output, good source of musical education.

Radio 4 - can't imagine life without it, if it were compulsory to have a radio receiver licemce, I'd cough up.

BBC on the internet - lifw`would be quite horrible without listen again.

The biggest irony is that most of the licence fee goes on the things I hate about the BBC - BBC1, BBC2 and BBC3. The problem is that the BBC makes me feel that I am in a minority about the things I like about it. It is as if the BBC alludes that its output must appeal to the 'wider audience'. Oh, fuck off!

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