Wednesday, August 22, 2007


More Fun with Communication

Privatisation of public services has brought about wondrous changes - even more shoddier goods and services. I have already complained about British Gas and their poor communication - press telephone keypad as if one is channel surfing with the television. Then the interminable wait, being told that one will wait for 45 minutes to before one's call is answered.

I have this electricity charge key which I have to top up from time-to-time to ensure that I have to get electricity. On Sunday I put £5 on the key, on Monday I was without electricity - I charge up the key again. No light. I phoned up the supplier, EDF energy. I was told by the young woman answering the phone that I had come through to the wrong section - I had contacted the emergency line! Well, I never thought that being without is not construed as an emergency by EDF. She said that she would give me an alternative number but warned that the lines are quite busy (whenever you hear this, don't believe it, it means that call centre is clearly understaffed - remember that shareholders come first). I gave up on following this avenue of enquiry, my mobile phone did not have enough electricity nor credit to endure the interminable wait. I thought that I should give the key another try, cleaned and bingo, I had electricity.

It occurs to me now, what happens when vulnerable people encounter the same problems. Do these companies, which make millions of pounds, give a shit about their customers?

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