Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Miliband on GMTV

I caught up with the news that David Miliband "will not be seduced" into the "New Labour" leadership campaign. He was in fairly safe territory - GMTV - Breakfast Television - no supplementary questions etc. It is worthy of note that he has no erudition and resorts to using a copy and paste style of writing and speaking, note "will not be seduced" and "neither a runner nor rider". As for his image, it really did leave a lot to be desired. He brings to mind a double glazing salesman, a financial services advisor, a suit, a canvasser for The Conservative Party, a whole panoply of things negative. He has that look of a desperate X-factor entrant, believing himself to be talented, but having no talent at all and being quite embarrassing with it.

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