Thursday, February 15, 2007


More Fun on London's Buses

I usually drive around, but there are numerous arseholes on the road, who make the experience of driving a trifle frightful. I am on an anti-carbon drive so I am bussing around. Trust me, it's great fun. You have to put up with an awful lot. Careful not to sit in the elderly and people with children seats. Find a perch elsewhere. There is the usual tyranny of those who have pushchairs containing brats who squawk and squeal. There are the mobile phone tyrants who unload their personal lives in the cabin of the bus. There are the huge people who budge you off your seat if you are sitting on the outside and if you are sitting on the inside you are squashed up against the window.

I travelled on the bus today - it was a catalogue of experiences. The bus in front refused to budge, it would seem that there were around a dozen youth above the age of fourteen who attempted to travel for free. The driver refused to move the bus. I could see things were getting a bit leary on the bus in front. Eventually, the youths caved and got off the bus.

I attempted to read my book. OK until towards the end of my journey. Some fucking selfish young women, well-wrapped for Arctic conditions (thermal hat and scarf etc) decided to open the window - the draft blew into my face and around my ears. This fucking woman decided to babble away into a mobile. Had my journey been longer, I would have insisted that she close the window, if not I think I would have complained to the driver. That young woman was a selfish little shit!


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