Friday, February 23, 2007


I've Got the Blears Again

Oh Fuck, Ms Blears is running for deputy pm. This woman makes Anne Widdicome look like a rabid red, a loony lefty, bomb brigade Socialist Worker (Anne, bless her, has a lot of saving graces, Blears has none) If this woman wins the post, she will get loads of tv coverage which will only get on my nerves and throws bricks at the tv set. I read the article in today's Guardian, my areas of concern are these:

Hazel Blears will formally enter Labour's deputy leadership race tomorrow with a warning that members feel left out and disengaged, and have a relationship with the government based only on what they are reading in newspapers.

Oh yeah, most members of the New Labour have left, they no longer attend their branch meetings and will obviously read about New Labour in the press.

Ms Blears, who chairs the party, will promise to be a strong voice for Labour at the centre, offering herself as minister for delivery and trust around the cabinet table. "We have got to work harder to bring party and government together - that will be one of my main roles," she said.

What is this woman on about, New Labour and Government are one anyway. Only thing is that everyone hates New Labour and the Government.

"I am not putting myself forward as the woman candidate - but in a modern 21st-century progressive left-of-centre party, people would love to see a man and a woman," Ms Blears said. "They would like to see men and women working together to solve problems."

Left of centre of what party? The NSDAP? (The National Social Party of Germany).

Ms Blears, once seen as an ultra Blairite...

The writer of this article is completely wrong, she's more Blairite than Blair, she's a Blearite.

There have been allegations that she has been misusing her post as party chair to run an "under the radar" campaign...

That figures.

Hazel Blears is like one of those tyrannical aunts who insist on inviting you to Sunday Tea forcing cheap tinned salmon sandwiches down your throat only to be washed down with a sickly trifle, where the sponge has completely disintegrated into mush and the cream topping is made with Carnation milk. If you make up noise, she complains that you are not grateful and bursts into tears whereupon your dad gives you a clip round the ear for being fiesty. Yep, I guess that sums up Hazel Blears for me.

One thing you can say about Blears is that although she tries extremely hard, she is not very skilled in the art of delivering bullshit. That would certainly disqualify from being elected.


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