Monday, November 06, 2006


The symbol of the lion

The lion has been adopted by many nations, companies, football clubs as their logo of choice. It is usually the male that is depicted on the logo.

Now let's do a reality check here. I have yet to see a documentary on tv where you see a male lion doing any actual work, he just dosses around in the scrub. Yes, the reality is that the lion is a really lazy beast. Yet this indolent bugger takes all the credit for all the hunting and hard work which the lioness puts into their relationship. She brings home the meat. Sometimes the lion just can't be arsed to wait and will snack on one of his sprogs (there's plenty more where that came from) while he waits for the missus to bring back the shopping. Even sexual intercourse seems to be such a labour, the lion has the pained expression stating "I am only doing this because nature urges me to do it and not because I get any pleasure from it" - the lioness appears to have a look is considering lesbianism as a very realistic option.

So, why the hell has the lion been used as a symbol of get up and go, virility, sexual prowess etc. Something is wrong here.

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