Wednesday, September 20, 2006


The Discomfort of Bussing to Work

I bussed into work today. The journey could only be described as akin to the transportation of millions who suffered at the hands of the Nazis. TFL seem to have this notion that passengers are battery hens!.

I bought my £3.50 ticket at the machine by the bus stop and boarded one of those bendy buses. There was this Eastern European looking guy (age mid-teens) playing rap music through a loud speaker - it was shit. The prospect of a lengthy prison prevented me from getting up and shoving all that shit down his throat. I suffered in noise and cacophony. Why couldn't the little shit listen to that shit through headphones? Oh no, I guess he was been so Eastern European about it all, shuffling off the yoke of communism has done such wonders for these buggers.

I had to changed buses,I waited, waited and waited. Buses, not on my route, went by, empty. A few buses on mine, came by, crammed dropping off one or two battery hens, but not letting any more on board. A bus eventually came but stopped 50 metres short of the bus stop for no reason - the road was clear. We crammed around the bus like starving people waiting for a hand out of a stale crust of bread.

I thought about TFL winning the award for being a decent public transport system, what kind of an award was - was I dreaming? Was it an award that is sponsored by the Disney Corporation.

Political and economic London seems to thrive on bullshit these days - oh well, roll on the economic downturn!

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