Tuesday, May 02, 2006


New Labour's Local Election Campaign

The Council Elections are on. New Labour is spending its lord-"loans" money in earnest. I am being bombarded with hard copy mail from the local New Labour party and why I should vote for them. These comminiques come personally addressed to me via the Royal Mail. It's a sign of the times, New Labour membership has been drastically reduced for obvious reasons. Having said that, the membership has been replaced by a moneyed and more powerful membership who can pay for the printing of leaflets and posting them. It seems that the New Labour current election campaign is based on slagging off the other parties.

Let us look at New Labour's achievements:-

- Selling off the NHS (they call it partnership, but the partners can charge what they fuck they like on goods)
- Selling off schools (ditto the above)
- Throwing money at the rich while planning to make the poor poorer by making them pay.
- Allowing undesireable foreign criminals to remain in the uk.
- Having "private" love affairs but using facilities of one's "public" office to maintain one's said affair.

The British Electorate need New Labour like Dracula needs a crucifix. At least old Labour had some integrity and generated some creative tensions in society - something for the Tories to be up against and not to ape.

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