Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Decline and fall
We are at the Event Horizon of the decline of Western Europe - it's going to be fairly big - it happened to the Chinese in the nineteenth century - I guess that is the only empire that could be compared with Western Europe in terms of its economy, political system and culture. Western Europe is suffering similar humiliations, decadence and decline. We're buggered. The United States is ok; it's accross the pond, 10 - 15 years time we'll be fighting over ownership of a potato. In terms of natural resources, we are as poor as Japan and the government is flogging all the national assetts as if they were shoddy goods at a car boot sale. We're bollocksed. It's a really rich irony that after been 150 years in decline but change, the Chinese are reviving their empire. I think that I shall learn Chinese - they are on the whole a cultured people who make good food and really good computers.