Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Blair Attempts to Gag John Humphries

Following an after-dinner speech when John Humphries had made some quips about certain celebrities in the New Labour Government, the ever sensitive Blair administration registered formal complaints about John to the degree that a "dossier" will be compiled . Wow! These were light-hearted remarks where he described Gordon Brown as excruciatingly boring that he did not look forward to interviewing him. Another quip involved Peter Mandelson, he said that he asked someone why people take an instant dislike of him and the reply was that "it saves time".

I am wondering where the fire is - administrations attract this kind daily. This was made in the context of an after-dinner speech, a private matter.

The thing is that we would not have known anything about these remarks had the complaint not been made. Now we know, I am left thinking - is this where a certain political principle is trying to grasp at any credibility it has in terms of its image. It calls to mind when school pupils booedTony Blair and the press officials attempted to put the spin that they were not booing but cheering and that this is the street style of doing so.

Complete bollocks really.

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