Sunday, July 17, 2005


BBC Radio 4 Question Time

If the licence fee is worth anything, it's worth BBC radio and its related internet sites, bollocks to its television, I'll happilly pay the licence for its radio.

I heard Question Time on Radio 4 listen again. What a line-up! George Galloway, Oliver Letwin, Frank Field and a very glib and smug American woman, Colleen Graffy (British Subject, yet represents the Republican Party abroad and heads a group in the UK to persuade us that Bush does not eat babies(?));

George Galloway, bombastic - an Exocet missile of a politician; Frank Field, wooly; Oliver (I could not tell the difference between Oliver and Frank) and Colleen Graffy, passively aggressive, I had the feeling that she was holding a loaded Magnum gun under the desk (well , she spoke of the right to assemble and free speech, but neglected to mention the right to bear arms).

Great stuff!

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