Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Combining Arab and Jewish Food

I have a rather eclectic taste in food. I will nip into and buy junk food along with salady type things. There is a North African supermarket nearby, it sells some fairly good halal meat along with merguez sausages. It also jars of pickles and sauces, tins of beans, aubergines, vegetables etc. It sells Ayran, a delicious Turkish yoghurt drink. It's a really great place to go and shop.

Now, I'm rather partial to Rakusen's Matzos - a large rectangular cracker - great for dipping into humous and other middle eastern food - particularly of the Arab and Turkish variety. I am not very familiar Jewish cookery but I do like salt-beef sandwiches and potato latkes.

Tonight, I had a light meal of tinned tuna, humous, foul medames (from a tin with Arabic writing) and the aformentioned matzos - it was a great light evening meal. Nice to know that food can unify nations on one's taste buds. This was washed with a can of "Bitter Soda" - described "As appetizing soft drink" the rest of the can was written in Arabic. Yep, the drink was quite bitter but quite refreshing - must stock up some more of said drink!

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