Thursday, June 30, 2005


Bad Driving and the 4uck You ( SUV) Vehicle

I remember listening to Radio 4's Now Show where they pointed out that the 4uck You has a tendency to be driven down the middle of the road. Yep, it's completely safe to drive down the middle of the road, no problem, no consideration. Vanity and the 4cuk You and narcissism go into overdrive. We are having to deal with a metalised and bloated ego here, this is dangerous stuff. I have noted that the bozos who drive these vehicles suddenly pull out in front of you expecting you to give way - yep, they do not have so much have the right of way but the righteousness of way. The question that I would I like to ask is this - why own a car that is designed to look like a hearse that can negotiate muddy terrain but has become omnipresent in the city - do the idiots who own them have a complete lack of sophistication!

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