Tuesday, May 24, 2005


London Gets a Panning by Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet Tour Guide criticises London for being dirty. I am realised that it has taken so long for the litter to drop. London is filthy! There are mountains of litter and smells of piss in doorways, telephone boxes and public stairwells. Yet we have a mayor in London, is he doing anything about it? Nope! His response is that he is sick and tired of London being called the 'dirty man of Europe'. Expressing exasperation at such a criticism is a great strategy to deal with the litter, piss and filth that plagues the city. You go to Paris, the street are hosed down in the mornings, there are people beavering away keeping the streets clean throughout the day with "Properte de Paris" emblazoned on their uniforms and livery. No such thing here. Paris also has pissoirs and public toilets. It also has a great public transport system, where the metro and buses don't seem to be run by people who are dab hands at battery farming. Yet, there are some bozos out there who sincerely believe that London should be awarded the Olympics! They're having a laugh.

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