Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Christmas with Attitude

It was murder returning home from work tonight, there were so many people barging around in their tin boxes, ignoring traffic lights and blocking up box junctions, fucking bastards. They all seem to be celebrating Christmas with attitude. There are lot more cars on the road with Eastern European number plates, the Eastern Hordes are descending upon us, argggghhh! This is one of the reasons why house prices are rocketing, greedy property developers and estate agents are flogging them to the nouveau riche Eastern Europeans - they are swarming in with with a vengance. I guess that most are coming in from mountain regions where electric light is very rare. Television, a must have necessity, must be powered by a water wheel in the nearby river. When the Spanish invaded South America it was seen as the Empire of Gold, the UK to Eastern European Eyes must be seen as likewise. I don't really want to write this shit, but I have seen so much crap that I need to get it off my chest.

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