Saturday, December 27, 2008
Damien Hirst - Bling Bling Bollocks
The remarkable thing about Damien Hirst's art is the fact that it attracted a lot of toxic money. It was the money that bought houses at grossly inflated prices which disguised their true value. Hirst's art rode on the back of this - people had loads of toxic money to spend on.............crap! And Hirst was a willing supplier. How could a sheep in alcohol be aesthetically pleasing? How can a skull encrusted with loads of diamonds be termed art, the skull should be on the dashboard of a drug-dealer's car. Yet, I was listening to BBC Radio 4 Saturday Review - and here we had the reviewers falling over themselves not to criticise the crap that Hirst produces but to say that they attended an auction where it went on sale. One reviewer commented that one woman thought "oh that's only 15 grand, can I afford that?" She went on to comment on how democratic his art is! Why all this fawning crap, why doesn't someone come out and say his art is shit! If I had 15 grand, I could have 15 decent holidays, there is no way I would even buy Damien Hirst's bollocks even if they were displayed in a glass case and preserved in formaldehyde
Labels: art, BBC, BBC Radio 4, Bling, bollocks, bullshit, conceptual, crap, Damien Hirst, gobshite
Monday, December 22, 2008
Grand Designs - Grand Bullshit
I was feeling bored yesterday night, I was bored and I had morbid curiosity and tuned into that rather dreadful house makeover show with that balding git with sideburns who oozes and gushes his way through each episode. The programme started with the balding git ski-ing around with gay abandon - showing us how superior he is to us poor gits. This episode focussed on an old dilapidated farmhouse in the French Alps. We learn that this couple had a shed load of money to spend on a fucking shed! £750 000 in actual fact. The woman is an interior designer, these people charge you mucho dinero to tell you the type of wallpaper you should buy and how your bog should look to visitors - I guess that this is how she earns shed loads of money. She wanted to redesign the shed to keep its rustic appearance and original timberwork but wanted all the modern fixture and fittings to go with it. Now here is something absolutely hilarious, she wanted eight bedrooms and eight bathrooms, but all I could see of family were one husband and two small sprogs. The bedroom windows would be at ground level offering the nice view when lying on bed, but when standing one would have to be less than one metre high to appreciate said view - the woman is an interior designer, remember! The next most hilarious point is that the house is built without foundations on the side of a fairly steep hill; what kind of insurance company is going to touch a liability like that. I was getting increasingly annoyed watching this crap and shouted "fuck off" at the television and switched channels. To think Channel 4 want part of my licence fee to produce this programme with its narcissistic participants, I am minded to stop watching tv all together.
Labels: grand design, Housing, housing market, Television, trash, tv programme