Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Blair's Nuke 'em policy

First and foremost, I noted that Tony Blair delivered this speech on his need to upgrade our nuclear weaponry dressed in a rather loud and large pink tie. Gosh, it was so loud it nearly detracted from what he was actually saying. Bizillions of lire is required to upgrade or "modernise" the weaponry. He speaks of this as an insurance policy. Who are we going to nuke if things get a little hot for us - Al Queda - they are a disparate and linked network which could have cells in far flung places like Argentina, Australia and Hawaii - I am sure that the governments of said countries would not be very happy if we nuked Buenos Aires, Sydney or Honolulu on the basis that Al-Queda cells are at large in their country. Nope, so it can't be the Al Queda network. The Rooskis - well, slight problem there, we would have gas supply disconnected. We are not cold warring with any sovereign nation at the moment. Oh well, no potential targets to nuke. If either Blair and Bush were minded to it, they could grind North Korea into the dust with the result that millions of North Koreans would spill out of the country rolling up in Dover and demanding a capitalist lifestyle - not such a good idea. Well let's look at the economy of this £20 billion - yep, taxpayers' money is right on target to offshore tax-exempt bank accounts to fund this entire ridiculous project. It is a very rich irony that Blair is prepared to spend this kind of bread on rockets and subs, but will not fund the supply of decent equipment and provisions for its forces stationed out in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Sunday, December 03, 2006


Type in "Liar" to google

I heard this on LBC today - type "Liar" into google, you will be surprised (or not) by the result


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